Aug. 12, 2019 DEOCS provides feedback for base leadership The Defense Equal Opportunity Climate Survey is available for Team Fairchild Airmen from Aug. 5-26, 2019. Airmen are able to provide feedback through the survey for commanders to evaluate and find ways to boost Airmen morale and productivity within their career fields.
Aug. 2, 2019 92nd LRS training supports unmatched air power Air Mobility Command’s responsibility is to provide Rapid Global Mobility for America through airlift, air refueling, aeromedical evacuation and air mobility support across the globe. With the world’s largest fleet of KC-135 Stratotankers, Fairchild has an integral part in fulfilling AMC’s mission.
July 23, 2019 Operation KUDOS educates kids, prepares parents Team Fairchild Airmen showed 140 children from the base community what it was like to deploy through Operation Kids Understanding Deployment Operations, or KUDOS, at the Airman and Family Readiness Center on Fairchild Air Force Base, July 19, 2019.
June 24, 2019 Resiliently driving toward victory A golfer sets his ball on the starting tee and looks over the meticulously manicured grass toward the goal; the four-inch hole is hundreds of yards away. Each of the 18 starting tees offered another opportunity for the golfer to move up in the rankings toward being selected to compete in the 7th
June 20, 2019 Award-winning MDG renders exceptional care, Genesis pioneers Team Fairchild medical providers have been continually working to deliver unparalleled patient care while being the first in the Department of Defense to use and develop the new electronic health record MHS Genesis, released in 2017.
June 20, 2019 Spark Pitch Competition drives innovation for Team Fairchild Team Fairchild hosted an Inland Spark Pitch Competition to challenge Airmen's ideas to improve base the base and the Air Force; it also showed Airmen how important innovation is to the Air Force.
June 13, 2019 The art of giving back Balancing family life with work, Tech. Sgt. Isaac Denton, 66th Training Squadron Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape specialist, has a passion for art that goes beyond the canvas to his family and community.
June 11, 2019 18th AF, Fairchild key spouses address education partnerships, license reciprocity Moving to a new area presents unique challenges to military families. Spouses often need to look for new jobs, children move to new schools and the support networks families have relied on change with new scenery. Key Spouses are one resource the Air Force calls on to offer support to families
May 29, 2019 BTS of hydraulics, their Airmen Team Fairchild’s hydraulics shop Airmen have honed their craft, allowing them to safely and rapidly ensure that aircraft are in safe flying condition and prepared for takeoff on-time. Should something require repair prior to takeoff, these Airmen can respond and have the aircraft prepared to fly
May 23, 2019 36th RQS, SERE saves snowmobilers life Fairchild Airmen rescued a severely-injured man on the top of Calispell Peak after an accident left him trapped between a tree and his snowmobile with a broken leg and hypothermia.