Commentary Search

  • Impending Pilot Shortage, a Developing National Crisis

    Our nation expects a great deal from its military, but it comes at a cost. Air Mobility Command -- the organization responsible for airlift, aerial refueling, aeromedical evacuation, and enroute support -- is constantly faced with challenges testing the resilience of our airmen.Whether airdropping

  • The power and strength in storytelling

    Everyone loves a good story. They are powerful and can capture the imagination. They have the ability to teach in a powerful way that a factual statement can’t begin to illustrate or unfold.

  • Every Airman enables global fight

    Every week I welcome back another group of Airmen as they return to Fairchild from locations around the world where they executed combat missions, facilitated partnership building and enabled training missions in support of our national objectives. Then, in the span of only a few hours, I turn

  • February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

    In the movie “Hacksaw Ridge,” the main character, Desmond Doss, is on a date with his new girlfriend. Their interaction in the movie theater is awkward and much like any first date. After a few moments, she jokingly infers that he needs to brush up on his dating skills. It may sound silly, but how

  • Mumps and You

    Mumps is a contagious viral infection that can cause pain and swelling in the salivary glands.Mumps is spread through the saliva or mucus from an infected person and is transmitted to another by coughing, sneezing or talking and sharing items, such as cups or eating utensils.The most common symptoms

  • The new Electronic Health Record … what does it mean to me?

    MHS GENESIS will integrate inpatient and outpatient systems and will connect medical and dental information across the continuum of care. It will better connect us to our downtown civilian healthcare partners, which will improve the secure sharing of your healthcare information between your medical

  • Earn your chocolate cake

    We had just been stationed at Lackland Air Force Base where I started teaching technical training school. We moved into a house on base, we met our neighbors and I started working … a lot! As I continued to work and be oblivious to the entire situation, Denise took action. My wife has a green

  • One man's story of living with an abuser

    Janet Bunn, 92nd Medical Group domestic abuse victim advocate, relates the true story of a male victim of domestic violence, how abuse against men goes largely unnoticed and dotes on the common misconceptions about male abuse victims.

  • Are you missing your chance to make history?

    You may not know this, but Christopher Columbus almost sailed right past his chance to make the history books in his 1492 landing in the “New World.” Had his ship sailed yet one day longer without sighting land, they would have turned around and headed back to Spain on the 12th of October.