Commentary Search

  • National Women’s History Month: Making a mark on history

    The theme of Women’s History Month this March is “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace and Nonviolence.” Recognizing women who have championed these values throughout the years is important as well as understanding how everyone can make their own mark.

  • The effects of domestic violence on the growing child

    Who was your first love? For most of us, we think about our first attraction or our first, non-platonic relationship. I would suggest that our real first love is the bond we form with our parents or caregivers. The ability of a parent to give hope, empathy or reassurance can form a unique and

  • October is Energy Action Month

    October is Energy Action Month, which makes this is the opportune time to give an update on the Fairchild Energy Program.

  • Inside the Honor Guard

    I realized I was witnessing an amazing process as I peered through the camera on a hazy August day, snapping picture after picture of Airmen transforming into something greater; my former distain slowly becoming a desire to partake of this special duty Honor Guard duty as well.

  • Farewell to Team Fairchild

    As I bid you farewell I reminisce on the dedication and innovation I witnessed these past two years. It was truly astounding. Thank you for the heart and soul you give your Air Force and your nation. Service to a greater good than yourself is what makes military service and support so unique in our

  • What Makes Me… Me

    Recently someone asked me what my job was. I replied with my usual, “I’m Fairchild’s Installation Resiliency Specialist, better known as the Community Support Coordinator or CSC.” Typically people say “Oh” and leave it there. This time, the person had a follow-up question. “What makes you a

  • Letter From a Survivor

    This is a detailed first-hand account about surviving sexual assault and a call-to-action for a better culture that encourages sexual-assault survivors to come forward.

  • Child Abuse Awareness Month

    During the month of April, you’ll see blue pinwheels gracing the lawns of the Fairchild Chapel and the 92nd Medical Group. Their placement, and the similar placement of millions of pinwheels around the United States, is in recognition of Child Abuse Awareness Month.

  • It’s not too late to vaccinate

    This year’s flu season has been dominated by Influenza A subtype H3N2, a particularly nasty strain that is linked to more severe illnesses, especially among adults over the age of 65 and children younger than the age of 5.