1. As a premier Air Refueling Wing, Fairchild Air Force Base (FAFB) is proud to have developed a reputation for first-class environmental practices and collaborative implementation of environmental standards throughout all aspects of base activities. We are committed to maintaining excellence in environmental stewardship while fulfilling our mission in a manner that protects human health and the environment.
2. FAFB maintains a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS) by meeting and exceeding the standards for environmental compliance while continuously assessing our progress through proactive management of environmental programs, inspections, and mission processes under the leadership of the Cross Functional Team (CFT) and the Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Council (ESOHC). Most importantly, all FAFB personnel have a responsibility to support the installation’s mission by ensuring we:
a. Strive for exemplary environmental compliance through adherence to all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, requirements, and policies addressing the protection of the environment.
b. Instill a culture of continuous environmental improvement through education and outreach, and work in partnership with all stakeholders in the local community, tribal nations, and regulatory agencies to promote effective environmental stewardship initiatives.
c. Incorporate best management practices, promote pollution prevention, reduce waste generation, purchase environmentally preferable products, and recycle and reuse all materials where practicable in our operations.
d. Commit to a culture of conservation of the natural environment by actively protecting threatened and endangered species and preserving our cultural and historical heritage. We will operate in such a manner and by such means to leave our natural and cultural resources unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
3. It is incumbent upon everyone in the Fairchild community to fulfill the obligations set forth in this Commitment Statement to the utmost of their abilities in accordance with their roles and responsibilities at this installation. This Commitment Statement, as set forth and supported by all members of the Team Fairchild ESOHC, will be reviewed annually, and updated as necessary. The ESOHC will also ensure that these expectations are clearly articulated to all base personnel.