Oct. 27, 2022 Military Working Dogs participate in UH-1N Huey training U.S. Air Force Military Working Dog handlers from the 92nd Security Forces Squadron pose for a photo after completing helicopter familiarization training at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, Oct 25, 2022. The purpose behind the helicopter training was to expose MWD's to new noises they might
May 20, 2019 Honoring courage, saluting sacrifice Team Fairchild’s 92nd Security Forces Squadron hosted various events and ceremonies in observance of National Police Week May 13-17.The law enforcement community is honored annually with numerous events after President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation in 1962 to designate May 15 as Peace
Aug. 30, 2018 MWD training takes flight Throughout the month of August, the 92nd Security Forces Squadron MWD section trained with the 36th Rescue Squadron to learn and become familiar with the components of a huey aircraft in preparation for deployment missions.
Dec. 5, 2017 K9 honored for years dedicated to service Military Working Dog Oxigen retired after eight years of service during a ceremony at the Red Morgan Center, Nov. 30.The 92nd Security Forces Squadron recognized MWD Oxigen for distinguishing herself as a patrol explosive detection dog at Fairchild from June 2012 to November 2017.