Fairchild Airman Mobility Profile

TRANSIT CENTER AT MANAS, Kyrgyzstan -- Every week, a member of the 376th Air Expeditionary Wing is selected as the Warrior of the Week. This individual is recognized based on outstanding performance, good conduct, work ethic, and most importantly, for a job well done.

Meet the Warrior of the Week. Airman 1st Class Christopher Howe is a 376th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron aerospace maintenance apprentice deployed from the 92nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, Fairchild AFB, Wash. He hails from Des Moines, Iowa.

Here's what Airman Howe has to say about himself and this deployment to the Transit Center at Manas.

What do you do on a daily basis at the Transit Center at Manas? Every day I wake up, get to work around 4:30 p.m., check out tools, work, go home, work out at the gym for 2 hours or so, study for CLEP tests, Skype with my wife and daughter, take a shower, then hit the bed.

What do you enjoy about being at the Transit Center?
Contributing to the mission with hard work every, day and putting the skills I learned back home to work. I also enjoy having the time to better myself.

Why did you choose to serve in the military? I chose to join the military to take care of my family. I wanted to be the first in my family to serve my country since my great grandfather. Also the schooling opportunities, in hopes of becoming an officer.

How do you feel about your contributions to the Transit Center mission and current theater operations? Maintaining our aircraft is one of the most essential jobs. Without maintainers, the mission cannot be completed. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that the jet you turned or fixed has a specific mission, and by completing that mission, lives will be saved.

Family: wife

Time at Manas: 43 days

Time in military: 1 year and 4 months

Greatest accomplishment: The greatest accomplishment of my life would be having a daughter while still in high school, yet being able to finish high school while working 60 plus hours a week to become a member of the U.S. Air Force.

Goals you want to achieve or meet while here: Get in better shape, accomplish a few CLEP tests, and finish my 5-level upgrade training.

Hobbies: I enjoy hunting, fishing, working out/running and spending time with my family.

Your best habit: Working my hardest every day with no complaints, putting others in front of myself, helping and volunteering with anything I can by any means necessary.

Favorite Quote: "Life is what you make it!"

Who is your favorite mentor and what did you learn from him/her? I never really had much of a mentor in my life, but if I had to pick one, it would be my grandmother. She taught me to work hard and put others in front of yourself, and in return you will achieve anything you put your mind to.

If you could spend one hour with any person, who would it be and why? My grandmother. She passed away seven years ago, but she was the smartest and the hardest working person I knew, and she taught me many things I use today.