DOD continuous evaluation program and you

  • Published
  • By Steven Doll
  • 92nd Air Refueling Wing Installation Protection personnel security
After a long week of work, an Airman finds himself at a squadron party at their supervisor’s house. As they search the house for a bathroom, they accidently walk into a bedroom and witness their supervisor, who is married, getting intimate with someone other than their spouse. The person appears to be a foreign national and does not seem to speak English. Surprised by the interruption, the foreign national grabs the supervisor’s wallet and immediately leaves the house. The supervisor begs to the Airman not to tell their spouse. After leaving the party, the Airman ponders on whether they should report the incident.

The following Monday, after showing up for work, the Airman bumps into their security assistant. Remembering the initial briefing upon arrival at the squadron, the Airman recalls the Department of Defense Continuous Evaluation Program and the importance of safeguarding information.

The Continuous Evaluation Program involves the uninterrupted assessment of a person for retention of a security clearance or continued assignment to a national security position. This ensures high standards of conduct are maintained and questionable conduct or activities are promptly reported for adjudicative assessment.

All government employees are expected to keep their unit security assistant informed of certain changes in their personal life or activities in which they engage or witness that may have potential security ramifications. These activities include but are not limited to:

FOREIGN CONTACTS: Contact with individuals of any foreign nationality, either within or outside the scope of official duties, in which illegal or unauthorized access to classified or otherwise sensitive information is sought.

LOSS OR COMPROMISE OF INFORMATION: Personal Identifiable Information, CUI, Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret
Information lost or compromised due to negligence

FOREIGN TRAVEL: If you visit a foreign country and are: solicited by a
foreign government for intelligence, arrested/detained by the police, anyone exhibiting excessive knowledge of or undue interest in you or your job, anyone attempting to obtain classified or sensitive information, or threatened or coerced into cooperating with a foreign government official or security service you are required to report the incident to your Security Assistant.

FINANCIAL PROBLEMS: Filing for bankruptcy, garnishment of wages, having a lien placed on property for failing to pay a creditor, eviction from a residence for failure to pay rent or inability to meet all financial obligations.

ARRESTS: Regardless of whether or not charges were filed, involvement with the legal system (such as being sued), any circumstance where being sworn under oath to testify about association or involvement in questionable activities.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING: Self reporting is appropriate for alcohol and drug related treatment
The following Department of Defense Adjudicative Guidelines are examples of behaviors that may indicate an individual has vulnerabilities of a security concern or that an individual is in need of assistance:

Alcohol, consumption, allegiance to the United States, criminal conduct, drug involvement, psychological conditions, foreign influence/foreign preference, misuse of information technology systems, personal conduct and outside activities or sexual behavior.

Loyalty, character, trustworthiness and reliability will determine qualification to hold and maintain a security clearance eligibility or sensitive position.

For more information contact your unit security assistant or contact the 92nd Air Refueling Wing Installation Protection office at (509) 247-5860.