Note from the commander on Unit Effectiveness Inspection survey Published Aug. 14, 2013 By Col. Brian M. Newberry 92nd Air Refueling Wing FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WASH. -- 92nd Team--active duty, civilians, contractors and our families: Please review the note below the cut-line from Air Mobility Command Inspector General Brig. Gen. Steven J. Arquiette, asking all of us to complete a survey in preparation for an upcoming assessment. Next February, the AMC IG will inspect our Wing as part of the new inspection process, the Unit Effectiveness Inspection or UEI. We will be the third AMC Wing inspected under the new process, a process that transforms how we are inspected. We as a Wing will go from being "evaluated" for compliance and mission effectiveness to "demonstrating" that we can measure our own compliance and mission effectiveness. Our self-assessment process is vital to this effort and we will go from a periodic inspection process where the IG visits on occasion to a continuous process where we monitor our effectiveness daily. The IG survey is the first step in the process where the AMC IG is asking all 92nd Air Refueling Wing military members and spouses, government civilians, and contractors to answer a few questions to baseline where our Wing is at currently. Yes, this is a comprehensive baseline survey so our spouses are encouraged to participate. I humbly ask for your support to complete the survey in next couple months and get our inspection off on the right foot. Max participation is encouraged from 92nd members and families to demonstrate our focused engagement; please note our 141st partners will get a separate survey. Thank you for your support 92nd ARW and your daily excellence. With appreciation, Col Newberry ---------------------------------cut-line----------------------------------- Good day 92nd ARW, The AMC IG team looks forward to visiting you on Feb. 5-14 2014, witnessing your professionalism firsthand, and evaluating your hard work that has earned the 92nd Air Refueling Wing its great reputation. The UEI survey is an important component as we prepare for our capstone visit to your Wing. Please take a moment to complete the survey at the link below. As you do, keep the following in mind: - The survey is open and ready for your inputs - it will only take approximately 20 minutes to complete. - Please be candid in all your answers - it'll make the results more meaningful for your wing. The survey is anonymous. - All of the information you provide is protected in IG channels - none of the data will be released outside of AMC IG or Secretary of the Air Force IG. - We highly value the opinions of your spouses, and we have developed questions for them, so please feel free to forward this link to your home e-mail for their use. - This survey will close at the end of the duty day on Thursday, Dec. 5. Your honest and candid answers will form the foundation for the success of the new Air Force Inspection System. This is your chance to tell AMC IG what you think about any issue, inform us about what is working well, and highlight what isn't working within your organization. We will follow up on many of these issues during our visit in December. Again, thank you for your time in advance as you complete the survey at this link: Best regards Steven J. Arquiette, Brig Gen, USAF Inspector General Headquarters Air Mobility Command