Make R and R your two favorite letters

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Kali L. Gradishar
  • 92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
High on our priority list are our Air Force responsibilities, whether it's maintaining and repairing aircraft, preparing meals, guarding the gate...or writing stories. In order to succeed, we must be dedicated to the task at hand and handle ourselves in a professional manner at all times.


For the most part, yes. But in order to maintain professionalism, we must also maintain our sanity.

People have different ways of coping with the stresses of daily life. Playing ball a few days out of the week, shopping, fishing, drinking tea on the porch. These are just a few examples of the way people deal with life's curveballs.

The trouble, surely for many people, is time. Where does the time go? We leave work, run home, let out the dog, grab a bite to eat, throw a load of laundry in the wash, do the dishes from dinner, brush the teeth and the day is over. Where did all that time go? There were hours spent on daily chores that could have been spent venting from the pressures of work.

Acting as Dr. Advice, I have a few recommendations: Leave the laundry for another day. Let the dishes pile up after a few more meals. It'll be no big deal, just relax. You can do it later.

Here's a prescription, too. I know, you can't read it. It's because I'm a doctor. Let me tell you what it says. It's a prescription for at least a few hours of play time each day. It's well-deserved, I assure you.

Please take the time to wind down from the stresses, pressures and demands of the day. Get outside, go to the park, read a book. Do what it takes to get all that weight off your shoulders.

With critically-manned offices in a fast-paced Air Force, we all need to set aside some time to slow down and relax a little. Enjoy your day and enjoy life.