God’s speed Chaplain Neuberger Published June 12, 2008 By Col. Gregg Custer U.S. Air Force, retired FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash -- As the Fairchild Wing Chaplain retires, he ends a distinguished career of service and sacrifice to this nation and its Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers and Marines. I know of no Airman who more consistently exemplifies Air Force core values. With multiple tours in Iraq and numerous tours overseas, Chaplain Jeffrey Neuberger has set aside his own interests and more than once said in effect, "Here am I; send me." His ministry in locations far from home and at times in the line of fire has transformed the morale of those he served and at times changed the futures, even the eternity, of some. As one who sat under his ministry at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, I recall firsthand the influence he brought as the pastor of the largest, most dynamic chapel service I have seen in my 26-year career. Jeff's leadership made an important difference in the growth and direction of the Air Force chaplain service. His role as the deputy command chaplain, United States Air Force Reserve Headquarters, was divine timing as he guided the Chaplain Service through an important period of increased use of Reserve Chaplain Service personnel and their smooth transition into critical roles in the deployed combat forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. His unique role as pastor and prophet has led him into the lives of people in crisis. He has been in combat and held the hands of our nation's warriors as they took their last breaths. He has prayed with those who were sick and disheartened. He has blessed the union of couples committing their lives to one another in marriage. He has baptized those who have given their lives to Christ and made public profession of that faith. He has mentored new chaplains and chaplain assistants. He has been God's "sent one" to honor the fallen and lift up families in grief. And only God knows the countless times Chaplain Neuberger provided the wise counsel of Biblical truth that changed the course of couples in strained relationships, families in crisis, and colleagues in despair. Chaplain Jeffrey Neuberger leaves behind a legacy of visible integrity, a service-before-self lifestyle, and numerous examples of excellence in all that he did. On behalf of those of us who have benefited directly from your ministry, thank you. May this next chapter in your life and your family be as memorable and as blessed as the role you have filled for 26 years as an Air Force chaplain.