Give credit, show appreciation for everyday actions

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Dean Hitchcock
  • 92nd Civil Engineer Squadron commander
"There is no limit to the good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit." When I was a cadet at the Air Force Academy, that short quotation by Gen George C. Marshall was one of my favorites of the multitude of quotations we had to memorize. Gen Marshall was the Chief of Staff during WWII, directing the largest army in history. Following the war he formulated the Marshall Plan, an unprecedented economic development program which rebuilt war torn Europe. In 1953 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite these tremendous accomplishments, he was known as a quiet, humble man - someone I imagine who truly lived by his own words.

Here at Fairchild, specifically within Mission Support Group, we have many outstanding individuals who quietly do a lot of good without worrying about getting credit. Sometimes they are in plain view, such as the Defenders at the gates or the cooks in the dining facility. Other times, they are taking care of business behind the scenes, such as the Communications Squadron personnel who keep our communications and navigation systems operations, or the Logistic Readiness Squadron troops keeping our vehicle fleets in top shape. The efforts of the Contracting and Civil Engineer team impact dozens of operations around the installation. As the Base Civil Engineer, I have a special regard for our engineers. This team is responsible for everything from ensuring we have safe water to drink to an operational runway to launch aircraft - and I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the Fire Dept and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Flight - both key members of the CE team.

The men and women, both military and civilian, who do these jobs deserve some credit. They do much yet most of them ask for little in return. On their behalf, I'm asking that you give them a small measure of credit through a ridiculously easy means - say thanks. When you come through the gate or go through the line at the dining hall, say thank you. When you call in the trouble ticket at Comm or get off the government bus - tell the technician or driver you appreciate their support. When CE fixes your lights, leaky faucet, or heat - shake their hand. They won't ask for this; but if you do it, they'll appreciate getting a little credit.