Feedback for Airman and Family Summit initiatives Published Feb. 8, 2011 By Col. Paul H. Guemmer 92nd Air Refueling Wing Commander FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- As a wing commander, I articulate my leadership focus through my priorities and vectors. It is my hope they will guide this wing toward success. One of my vectors is "taking care of each other to build trust and an unbeatable team," and I have seen this vector taking hold and driving Team Fairchild toward success! Along with my vectors, Fairchild has wholeheartedly adopted Air Mobility Command's Comprehensive Airman Fitness mindset, which focuses on four pillars of wellness: mental, spiritual, physical and emotional. Our Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Rudy Lopez and I are committed to continually improve upon these pillars in an effort to make Fairchild a balanced and healthy community for our Airmen and their families. We are using the feedback we received at the Airman and Family Summits to better balance these pillars. Fairchild was the first in AMC to bring together diverse groups from around the installation and have them identify areas that need attention. This began with an Airman's Summit in 2009, followed by a Family Summit in 2010. Several of you took time out of your busy week to brainstorm and identify ways wing leadership can make Fairchild a better place for you and your family. We received more than 20 great ideas. They ranged from dormitory room repair to Exceptional Family Member Program improvements. Many of you attended or heard about the summits, but most of you don't know what happened to the recommendations. Once the issues were identified, they were tasked out to several of our base agencies. Every issue was taken seriously and organizations worked hard to get the right answers, which sometimes aren't often the easy ones or the ones we want to hear. Although you may not see the behind-the-scenes efforts, I can assure you we have been addressing your concerns. There are still some in the works and some we simply could not fix due to regulations, manning or budget constraints. Most importantly, there are others that we have made positive headway on. The problem, however, is that we missed a critical step. We failed to provide timely feedback as to what has been changed and what hasn't. To correct this oversight, I will address each issue or initiative brought forward during the summits in the "Fairchild Flyer" as well as on our Facebook page ( In addition to the written commentary, there will be a discussion opened on that specific topic on Fairchild's Facebook page. If we didn't answer the question sufficiently, or if you have an idea that we didn't think of, I want to know. One of my priorities is to provide our Airmen and their families with the quality of service and opportunities for personal and professional growth. I know there are some more great ideas out there that would help make Fairchild a better place and like Thomas Edison said, "The value of an idea lies in the using of it."