Show pride in your uniform; ensure other Airmen do the same

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Cheryl Steevens
  • 22nd Training Squadron, First Sergeant
What does your uniform look like? How do you feel when you put it on? Is the top a bit tighter than it should be? Do the colors match up? Where do you put your uniform when you're done wearing it? Do you hang it up neatly, or just throw it in the corner? Most importantly, are you proud of yourself when you have it on?

The uniform is designed to give you a sense of identity. It sets you apart from civilians and other military branches. With that assignment of identity, comes an obligation on your part to represent the Air Force through a neat and attractive uniform.

From the moment you are initially issued your uniforms in basic training, you are charged to keep your uniform neat and clean. There is an expectation that old worn out uniforms will be replaced as needed. It is assumed that as you grow, you will purchase uniforms that fit your body. Let's be honest, the average person does not have the same body at 35 that they did at 19.

Your responsibility to the uniform doesn't end there. In addition to ensuring you wear it correctly, you are responsible to ensure others do, too. I know it can be a bit daunting to go up and correct someone on an infraction, but trust me, most appreciate it and honestly didn't know they were in violation to begin with. We are in a time where we are expected to do more with less; however, this doesn't excuse us from ignoring our appearance. I challenge you to take time to read the updated version of AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel. Ensure you and your Airmen are within standards. Be the person that hangs your uniform up at night. Most importantly, be the Airman that is proud while wearing it.