"You Are READY!" Published June 13, 2012 By Lt. Col. Bradley Weast 92nd Medical Support Squadron FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- How do you know when your unit is ready for an inspection? I've been at Fairchild since June 2011, an in that my group had a very detailed product line inspection and multiple staff assisted visits. I've been here long enough to know my people and the game plan, but most importantly, I knew when we were ready. Our wing vectors -- "Take Care of the Mission First," "Take Care of Each Other to Build Trust and an Unbeatable Team" and "Take Care of Yourself with a Personal Commitment to be the Best" are not only part of our culture, but adhering to those principles make us a ready force. When you're ready, you understand your Responsibilities. You know what your job requires, you understand how you contribute to the mission of your flight and squadron and you realize your efforts are critical to success. Even the seemingly simplest of acts adds considerable value. The best example I have from my squadron is medical records. Each filed piece of medical documentation builds the "Rosetta Stone of You," giving provider teams the best possible information to make or keep you healthy. You know the Evaluation criteria against which you'll be measured. You don't assume. You know the applicable Air Force instructions to your duties and understand the expectations set by your superiors, peers and subordinates. You know the vectors and Air Force's core values are the ultimate evaluation criteria and you live them every day. You know how to properly wear your uniform and you do so with pride and dedication. You understand Air Force customs and courtesies and appropriately render them at reveille, retreat and when walking on base. You understand Attitude is everything! Retired general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell said, "Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier." Be a force multiplier! Be the most positive and enthusiastic person in your section -- your enthusiasm is contagious. In the medical support squadron we sometimes refer to it as the "Barb Parbs Effect." She is always smiling and keeps the "glass half full"...always. Force multipliers don't stop with half full, however, they work hard every day to find a way to fill it to the top. You know attention to Detail is essential. Attention to detail keeps the mission going across Fairchild. Maintainers perform daily checks through established technical orders, medics have care standards, engineers maintain and repair base facilities according to building codes and finance technicians ensure basic pay and entitlements are paid appropriately. You execute the game plan. When I played football in high school and college I cannot remember a single game where my position or head coach lost the game. Individuals missing their assignment or not executing the game plan is what costs a team victory. Team Fairchild has a rock solid game plan. You will execute it well! Not just during inspections, but every day and while deployed. Team Fairchild is READY. Are you?