Seven-year demolition reaches its end of initial development Published July 22, 2014 By Airman 1st Class Janelle Patiño 92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- In 2007, the Department of Defense conducted a Housing Requirements and Market Analysis study at Fairchild, which determined the number of homes needed on base. As a result, the DOD announced Fairchild needed 641 homes for military personnel to live in versus the more than 1,055 homes that existed. In order to meet the requirements, Balfour Beatty Communities started the seven-year process to reduce homes on base on July 21, 2008. As of July 21, 2014, it is now reaching the end of its phase with 103 homes left to be demolished. "We are now in the process of getting rid of the remaining homes to bring us down to what the requirement is for the base," said Jack Barb, Balfour Beatty Communities development director. "Every home we demolish is recycled and we make sure everything is safe before starting the demolition." Houses that are getting demolished are fenced off to keep kids away from the area. "Just continue living the way you live and be safe at all times," Barb said. "There will be big machines everywhere, so I advise kids to not go near them. Also, workers will be wearing a variety of personal protective equipment as the work proceeds through different phases." According to Barb, green areas around the homes will not be cut, so when the demolition is finished, there will be open fields and green spaces to play in. "When this is all over and we meet the requirement of having only 641 homes on base, dormitories not included, we plan on transforming the land into parks and playground for families to enjoy," he said. "The community is also looking into building two more dog parks for pets to run around and play in as well." July 21, 2015, will be the end of the initial development phase. Fairchild will be down to 641 homes, following the housing requirement and market analysis, for military personnel and their families to live in. For more information on the ongoing demolition work, call Balfour Beatty Communities at (509) 244-6500.