FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- Team Fairchild Airmen and other local agencies conducted a Major Accident Response Exercise on April 12, 2022, in preparation for Fairchild SkyFest Airshow and Open House, May 14 and 15.
There isn't an expectation for an accident to occur. Still, the MARE is a “worst-case scenario” simulation to mitigate potential issues and save lives in the rare event something does occur.
“The fire department’s job is to mitigate mishaps, save lives, and protect the public,” said Jason Rudy, 92nd Civil Engineering Squadron fire chief.
Team Fairchild’s fire department worked alongside partnering agencies from the community to ensure seamless operations.
“We rely heavily on outside agencies for joint support during airshows,” Rudy said. “We partnered with Spokane District 10 and Airway Heights fire departments to assist us during the exercise.”
It's good for the public to know that the base and local agencies are well prepared in the case of an accident.
“We do this exercise to make sure Fairchild is able to handle a problem of this magnitude and that we communicate with off base agencies, so they are aware of what’s going on,” said Brian Baldwin, 92nd Air Refueling Wing exercise planning program manager.
This exercise allows Airmen to practice clear communication and the actions necessary to best respond to a crisis, ensure public safety, and further mission readiness
“The goal of the MARE is to ensure we are able to solve any problems that may rapidly come up and get people medically treated as needed,” Baldwin said. “If this happens, our main goal is to save lives, and we are prepared to do so.”
For a complete list of aerial demonstrations and more information about Fairchild AFB 2022 SkyFest Air Show, visit https://fairchildskyfest.com/ or contact the Fairchild Public Affairs office at (509) 247-5705.