Team Fairchild hosts Townhall Q&A for Airmen, families

  • Published
  • 92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

Team Fairchild held a town hall for Airmen and their families to address any concerns, questions and ideas about the quality of life on base Nov. 17, 2021. Below are questions and answers that were provided by attendees and wing leadership during the event.

• Can deployed members still receive the temporary BAH increase?

Yes, members can submit the necessary paperwork from their overseas location. Spouses or those with a power of attorney can also fill out the paperwork, as it needs the members’ signature.

• Who do I go to with issues I’m having with my on-base home?

Contact the Balfour Beatty Communities directly at 509-247-5185, they are ready and happy to help you with concerns you may have.

• Is it true that volunteering to be an FCC provider would move me and my family higher on the on-base housing waitlist?

Yes, those interested in becoming FCC certified can be moved to a higher priority spot on the waitlist once they have completed the necessary training.

• Will base leadership and the food safety department allow a Cottage Law to allow families on base to sell items out of their homes?

Talk with the base legal office about this opportunity- it is possible! They can be reached at 509-247-2838.

• Are members and their families allowed to park on the street in base housing communities when it is snowing?

No, when we anticipate snow or it is already snowing, please park your POVs in your garage or designated parking areas, not on the street. This will allow the snow plows to get through in a safe and time-efficient manner.

• How can spouses of deployed members sign up for help with snow and leaf removal?

You can contact the housing office at 509-247-3916 for details, and please have a copy of the deployed individual’s CED ready.

• Can we use housing facilities for events?

Wing leadership is currently working with the housing office to see about coordinating events in the future.

COVID-19/Mask Mandate
• Do I still have to wear my mask while working out at the base gym?

The command team is working with the Public Health Emergency Working Group to releasing a memorandum stating that those actively engaging in physical exercise while at the gym will not have to wear a mask in individualized stations, but will need to continue mask-wear when transiting. Additional information/official confirmation will follow, and the current policy of mask wear remains effect until changed.

• What is the current Public Health conditions? Do we need to route unit event requests through Public Health?

Fairchild Air Force Base is currently in HPCON B+, which still requires coordination through Public Health for large unit events.

• Are vaccines available for children under the age of 12 now?

Children ages 5-11 are now be able to receive COVID-19 vaccines. Take a look at Fairchild Air Force Base’s or the Med Group’s Facebook page for a flier with additional information about extended hour events for this vaccine distribution.

Quality of Life
• Are there any programs or resources available to spouses looking for employment in the area?

Visit the Airman Family Readiness Center website for job search services and help. Hiring our Heroes is a foundation that connects service members, spouses and veterans with hiring businesses. Additionally, Team Fairchild is working with our counterparts at Joint Base Lewis-McCord to push license reciprocity for incoming military families.

• Are there any long-term projects to build new things to do on base?

We have some projects in the works to create a skate park on base, as well as a new Fun Spot 2.0 for Airmen and their families to enjoy. If there are any ideas you may have for other projects and amenities, please let your leaders know.

• Can we please replace one of the softball fields for a pickle ball field or something else?

The command team is currently working on options to fund the landscape and improvement of one of the softball fields. However, we welcome additional suggestions and ideas for the fields. We ask you communicate any ideas you have through your leadership.

• Can you clarify, for paternity leave, is the individual permitted leave the local radius?

Information on leave can be found in AFI 36-3003. Generally speaking, this decision comes down to your leadership and the accountability they have on their individuals. If there are still questions to clarify, please reach out to your unit First Sergeant for further information.

Upcoming Events
• What events are available for Airmen and families in the upcoming future?

For events on base please visit