FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. -- In accordance with the Defense Health Agency, the 92nd Medical Group has chartered a Patient and Family Partnership Council to provide information, advice and recommendations on issues related to patient and family experiences at Fairchild Air Force Base.
The 92nd MDG PFPC collaborates with 92nd MDG staff to promote and ensure continuous high quality patient and family-centered care.
“The PFPC provides us with direct insight into the patient’s perspective and ensures concerns are being brought to our attention,” said Lt. Col. Brandon White, 92nd MDG chief of medical staff. “The voice of the customer, or patient in this case, is critical to our pursuit of being a high-reliability organization by increasing our ability to improve processes and promote outcomes of high-quality care. It also enables us to better educate patients on the processes and policies of the entire Military Health System, which should provide our patients with realistic, accurate expectations and knowledge of how to best navigate their health benefit.”
The 92nd MDG PFPC will be responsible for holding quarterly meetings to discuss and provide valuable insight, suggestions and recommendations to improve base medical facilities.
“The primary goal is to be educated by our beneficiaries on their experience and to provide education to beneficiaries on our processes and operations,” said Capt. Kyle McDonald, 92nd MDG TRICARE, Operations and Patient Administration flight commander. “We genuinely want to hear constructive, thoughtful feedback from our patients. Also, we want to ensure all of our patients are well educated on how best to navigate the Military Health System, the TRICARE benefit, and unique-to-Fairchild medical processes.”
Any active duty Airmen interested in becoming a part of the PFPC can coordinate through their unit’s first sergeant. For any retirees or dependents interested in joining the PFPC, they can reach out to the 92nd MDG patient advocate at 509-247-4108.
Team Fairchild’s 92nd MDG highest priority is to ensure high quality care for all Airmen, families and retirees, while enhancing both quality of life and service, and with the help of the PFPC.