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The Justice Files: September and October 2018

  • Published
  • By Fairchild Air Force Base Legal Office

During the months of September and October 2018, seven Airmen received nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice. Commanders used the following actions as means of punishment, rehabilitation and maintaining good order and discipline. 


92d Operations Support Squadron

A Chief Master Sergeant received nonjudical punishment for an unprofessional relationship, in violation of Article 92, UCMJ, and adultery, in violation of Article 134, UCMJ. Specifically, this member had an unprofessional and sexual relationship with a lower ranking member in the same squadron. This member’s punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Senior Master Sergeant, forfeiture of $2,800.00 pay per month for two months and a reprimand. 

92d Civil Engineer Squadron 

A Senior Airman received nonjudical punishment for insubordinate conduct toward a non-commissioned officer, in violation of Article 91, UCMJ, and failure to go to appointed place of duty, in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The member used an aggressive tone while being counseled and on another occasion did not show up to a mandatory unit physical training session. This member’s punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Airman First Class and a reprimand. 

92d Force Support Squadron 

An Airman First Class received nonjudical punishment for failing to obey an order, in violation of Article 92, UCMJ, and for failing to arrive to work on time, in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The member disobeyed an order by his First Sergeant to not drive on base without car insurance and was late for work on two occasions thereafter. This member’s punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Airman and a reprimand. 

92d Communications Squadron 

An Airman First Class received a nonjudical punishment for making a false official statement, in violation of Article 107, UCMJ, and missing work, in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The member told his supervisor he was attending physical therapy, which was false. During those false appointments, the member repeatedly missed work. This member’s punishment consisted of a suspended reduction to the grade of Airman, 45 days of extra duty and a reprimand. 

A non-commissioned officer received nonjudical punishment for simple assault. After a night of drinking, the member got into an argument and struck his spouse. The punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Senior Airman, forfeiture of $649.00 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.

22d Training Squadron

A Senior Airman received nonjudical punishment for use of cocaine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of Article 112a, UCMJ. The Office of Special Investigations obtained a search authorization for the member’s hair, which tested positive for cocaine. This member’s punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Airman, suspended forfeiture of $918.00 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.

92d Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

An Airman First Class received nonjudical punishment for failing to arrive to his appointed place of duty on time, in violation of Article 86, UCMJ. The member was late to a mandatory fitness improvement program and has a history of tardiness concerning the program. This member’s punishment consisted of a reduction to the grade of Airman and a reprimand. 


92d Operations Support Squadron

An Airman First Class was demoted in rank for his failure to fulfill airman responsibilities. The member drove under the influence of alcohol and caused damage in the local Spokane area with passengers in the vehicle. Spokane County took jurisdiction. The member was demoted to the rank of Airman.

92d Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

A Senior Airman was demoted in rank for his failure to meet Air Force physical fitness standards. The member failed his fitness test three times within 24 months. Prior to demotion action, unit rehabilitative measures were taken in the form of exercise education and formal counseling by his unit leadership on the importance of meeting fitness standards. However, these efforts proved unsuccessful and he was demoted to the rank of Airman First Class.


92d Aerospace Medicine Squadron 

A 2d Lieutenant was separated for failure to progress. In less than three months, the 2d Lt was given two Letter of Reprimands for his inability to complete two course exams pertaining to his career field. The separation authority, the Secretary of the Air Force, directed this member’s separation with an Honorable discharge.

92d Logistics Readiness Squadron

An Airman First Class was separated for misconduct: minor disciplinary infractions. Over approximately three years, this Airman First Class received nonjudicial punishment, six letters of reprimand and four letters of counseling for various disciplinary violations. The separation authority, 92 ARW/CC, directed this member’s separation with an Under Honorable (General) discharge. 

92d Force Support Squadron

An Airman First Class was separated for conditions that interfere with military service:  personality disorder or mental disorder not constituting a physical disability. The separation authority, 92 ARW/CC, directed this member’s separation with an Honorable discharge.