Contact Us

(509) 247-7272 

Sexual Assault Response Coordinator:

Ms. Jessica Bradshaw
(509) 247-4771
Building 2245, Room 240

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Victim Advocate

Ms. Vada Martinez
(509) 247-4444
Building 2245, Room 240

Special Victims Council

Contact the McChord Field SVC: (253) 982-6741

- Provide support to victims through independent representation
- Build and sustain victim resiliency through victim empowerment
- Increase the level of legal assistance provided to victims

- Provide advocacy: protect the rights afforded to victims in the military justice system
- Provide advice: develop victims' understanding of the investigatory and military justice processes
- Empower victims by removing barriers to their full participation in the military justice process

Victim Advocate

Air Force Victim Advocates provide essential support, liaison services and care to you through the entire process.

Victim advocates are active duty military personnel and DODcivilian employees selected by the SARC and who have completed a 40-hour training course.

Responsibilities include:
- Providing crisis intervention, referral and ongoing non-clinical support
- Providing information on available options and resources to assist the victim in making informed decisions about their case
- May accompany the victim, at the victim's request, during investigative interviews and medical examinations
- Services will continue until the victim states support is no longer needed

Unrestricted Reporting

Criminal investigation is initiated and unit command is notified.

Who is qualified for this reporting option:
- Active Duty
- Retired Military
- DODEmployees
- Dependents (age 18 and above)

Can report to:
- Chain of command
- Law enforcement
- Investigations
- Medical Provider

- Medical care
- Counseling
- Victim advocate services
- Resource information

Details of the allegation will be provided only to those personnel who have a legitimate need to know.

What Is Sexual Assault?

  • An intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, phsyical threat, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
  • Includes rape, forcible sodomy, and unwanted sexual contact or attempts to commit these acts
  • Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship, or age of victim
  • Sexual assault is a crime punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • It falls well short of the standards America expects of its men and women in uniform
  • It violates Air Force Core Values

Steps Following Assault


  1. Find a safe environment -- anywhere away from the attacker
  2. Report the crime right away
  3. Call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) at (509) 247-7272 to discuss your reporting options
  4. In an effort to preserve evidence of the attack, do not bathe or brush your teeh or hair
  5. Do not eat or drink anything
  6. Do not throw away any clothes that were worn at the time of the attack
  7. Do not use the restroom, do not put on makeup, do not clean or straighten up the crime scene
  8. The SARC can assist you in seeking medical attention and help you report the incident to OSI or local law enforcement if requested

Restricted Reporting

Law enforcement and chain of command are not notified.

Who is qualified for this reporting option?
- Department of Defense and NAF employees
- Members of Reserve
- Members of the National Guard in ANY status
- Coast Guard when attached to Department of Defense
- Dependents 18 and older

Can only report to:
- Victim Advocate
- Mental Health
- Medical or Chaplain

- Medical Care
- Counseling
- Victim Advocate Services
- Resource Information

Restricted reporting does:
- Provides confidential reporting
- Intended to give the victim additional time and increased control over the release and management of the victim's personal information
- Empowers the victim to seek relevant information and support to make an informed decision about participating
- Family members, civilians and retired members are not eligible to make a restricted report

You May Experience

  • Fear
  • Helplessness
  • Shame
  • Loss of meaning and sustaining beliefs
  • Legitimacy and validation
  • Self-blame and guilt
  • Betrayal and loss of trust
  • Isolation and diminished sense of self
  • Grief and loss
  • Anger and rage

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