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Chiefs' induction
The 2007 Fairchild chief master sergeant induction ceremony will be held March 8 at Club Fairchild. Social hour will start at 6 p.m. with dinner to be served at 7 p.m. Cost is $23 for members and $25 for non-members.
The menu is charbroiled chicken breast topped w/sautéed mushrooms and almond wild rice with steamed vegetables.
Please RSVP to any chief master sergeant not later than March 1.

Semi-annual munitions inventory
The 92nd Munitions Flight will be closed March 5 through 9 for a 100-percent inventory. All issue, turn-in and expenditure need to be submitted to Munitions Accountability no later than Thursday. After Thursday, only emergency requests approved by a group commander or equivalent will be accepted. Normal customer service will resume March 12.  
Please address questions to Munitions Accountability at 247-5554.

Bundles for Babies
On Tuesday, the Airman & Family Readiness Center would like to invite first-time parents to the Bundles for Babies Class.
This fun and informative class will help parents prepare for new additions to families. Class time is 2 to 4 p.m. Topics discussed include: the developmental stages, financial planning, and emotional aspects of having a new baby.
Classes are open to all expectant active-duty Air Force families and those active-duty Air Force families who have babies 3 months and younger. There will be bundles of information for parents and free goodies for the newborn.
Class size is limited so RSVP is required. 
Call the A&FRC or Della Gooding at 247-2246 to reserve a seat.

Refuse bulk item pick-up
Bulk item pick-up for housing units in Galena Station, NCO Capehart, and the main base and survival dorms is Wednesday.
To donate items to Goodwill, place items on the curbside clearly marked "Goodwill."
For more information, call 924-9400.
Retiree Activity Office
Effective Thursday, the Retiree Activity Office is closed Mondays. Office hours are Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.